September 08, 2010

Awesome travelling with pretty bad ending.

So. After I bought myself a nice robe and couldn't find a hat I set myself the goal to craft a hat. Since I levelled clothcraft up a bit anyway. Problem: No wind shards to be found around Uldah. Internet told me to travel to Limsa Lominsa and kill sheep to get them so off I went!!


The landscape around Uldah one last time, this time without sandstorm. As you can see the vision is very clear.

This is the landscape in the next area. The sun was going down and I was hoping to get a red-skyish screenshot.

Instead I got a screenshot where it looks like the ladybug killed me. It probably would have but it was really a big spider thing... No idea what's it called. It hit me for over 1000 damage :S

Not much to say to this, I just found it pretty.

Just like this. Alot of this stuff wants me to come back by day, I bet it looks even more awesome then. So much to explore, I don't think I will actually be questing or grinding much at all anymore until release.

Here I am waiting for the ferry to take me over to Limsa Lominsa. 

On the ferry, admiring the water effects. :)

Uh yeah. A pirate taking me safely to Limsa Lominsa, hehe. 

Dawn approaching. 

Now the unspeakable happened!! I ran all the way to this blue... thingy thinking it was the lighttower where I was supposed to find a flock of sheep dropping huge amounts of wind shards! Instead, right when I clicked the thing, this big ugly crab killed me with one hit only to mock me after. He kind of danced at my dead body! Worse, the moment I clicked this, I think it set my homepoint right there. Everytime I hit "return" it said "This action can not be done right now" even relogging didn't help :-( So I think I am stuck there now. And even if I could get up, I'm not sure if the crab wouldn't just kill me again. So I guess I'll have to make a new character xD. Good thing it's only the beta.

Even the crab couldn't believe my bad luck. :(

Sooo yeah. Gonna roll out a new character! .. 19 frikkin points... for those who get the joke. The good news is, my boyfriend probably got his video card to work now so with a bit of luck we can play together soon. Gonna be more fun then I think =D!

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