October 07, 2010


 So, I felt like exploring the two remaining zones, Coerthas and Mor'Dhona. Again, by night at first - somehow I never manage to travel to new places by day. Coerthas is a huge foresty/stony landscape which I find okay, but not that amazing. The music was quite nice though. Also I found a couple of Grade 4 Botanist spots. On this screenie you can see an airship beside my character's head. Those fly around all the time, but we cannot actually use them as of yet. In Coerthas is also the city Ishgard (sp), but I didn't see that one as I only found out after I had left already. It's a real bummer that the zones are so huge and we don't have chocobos. Running everywhere is not fun, really. I got to one camp in each Coerthas and Mor Dhona though so now, if I have to, I can teleport to each zone of the current game.

A pond with fun dragons in it, also in Coerthas.

This is Mor Dhona. There is this cool structure with the dragon in the middle (I believe it's the same dragon as in the opening video) but you can't get there yet. The rest of the zone is horribly uninteresting.

More dragon thingies.

Enough of exploring. As I have mentioned I am in a linkshell now. It is very social with a good amount of crafters and adventurers and I constantly give away mats and shards/crystals to the crafters that I get from fighting and harvesting. In turn, crafters give away gear for cheap or even nothing and in this screenshot our
 goldsmith, Red Mage, made Silver Chokers for everyone. Pretty much everyone online gathered around him to get one, hehe. Thanks again Red.

On a side note, I tried to upgrade my weapon but I couldn't get the mats from the stupid market wards ~.~... I want a search function so bad...

Just because I haven't posted a screenie during a battle yet, I put this here. :P

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