October 11, 2010

Thoughts on Content

So, my THM and my BTN are both 16. I did the level 15 story quest, which is just awesome. Other than that I spend my time either doing THM leves and grinding a bit or harvesting on my BTN. I do that cycling between the three cities.

The leves are... boring. They are always the same for each camp. I think there is a pool of 5 or 6 leves for each camp, of which you get 3 with random rewards. All the DoW and DoM leves consist of running off, killing the leve target(s) , turning in the leve.
They do get a little harder, for example at the second camp the mobs start running away spawning friends who you then have to kill as well, and at the third camps I noticed that some leves consist of mobs in "disguise" with a bunch of real mobs there as well and your task is to find the disguised mob and kill it.
Generally all the same though. The rewards are usually gil and if you are lucky a crafting material and if you are VERY lucky some kind of gear, but that's rather rare.
At the 3rd camp the reward also might be so-called "Guildmarks" from which you can buy new abilities for your class at the guild.

The constant damaged gear (buggy too, you get the red gear damage sign but all of your equipment is repaired...), then you can either repair it at the NPC , but only to 75% or you have to bug someone to repair it (but then to 100%) or you put it up in your bazaar asking for repair and if you are lucky, someone will do it for the amount of gil you offer.
To me, this is just annoying, and they could implement better means to take out gil from the economy. For example implementing chocobos and airships and make them (as wlel as the ferry) cost a fee. You get gil easily in this game, I'm close to 500k now and I DID buy equipment for 40-50k occasionally. And I don't even play much.

Anyway, back to the point. There really isn't much to do besides grinding (be it with leves or not), and I conclude crafting and harvesting into grinding as well as you keep doing the same thing over and over again. Which is a little sad, especially considering that this is a Final Fantasy. While the story, like I said, is awesome, you of course don't always do that as the storyline only continues at predefined level intervals. (0,10,15,20...) I'm not sure if any story is implemented after level 20, actually.

The game has been getting pretty bad reviews and while I still think that after some time, this weill become an awesome game, I start to agree with those who say that SE should have waited another 6 months before bringing out this game. It's just not ready.

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